
Climate and Racial Justice in Language Teaching

There can be no climate justice without racial justice. Rt Hon David Lammy MP These are the words of Rt Hon David Lammy MP, a British politician. He sets out a clear case for why this is so and what we can do about it, for example when he tells us that people of color breathe on average 43% more […]

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

‘My syllabus is so full already’ or ‘I have so much to get through I don’t have time to teach a whole lesson about environmental issues’ are reasons I have often heard for teachers not feeling able to bring sustainability into their classes. I can relate to this as the organisation I work in has courses where every lesson topic […]

October 31st: World Cities Day

How could we mark the occasion in our language classes? It seems very relevant as many of us work in cities, teaching students who live in cities and while it is true that the environmental impact of cities is huge, it’s also the case that many solutions to this issue are likely to come from cities. Why not watch this […]

There’s a Monster in the Kitchen!

Recently the organisation where I work replaced coursebooks with set lessons. Not only that, but students now choose the lesson they attend based on factors such as the lesson outcomes. Help! I’m no longer able to use the hour-long lessons I’ve spent years compiling. This is actually an opportunity. Many among us now realise that sustainability has to be embedded […]

Global Issues in the Open Access TEYLT Worldwide Journal

I’m delighted to say that I have had an article published in the twice-yearly publication of the IATEFL YLTSIG. I enjoyed the challenge of writing an article of discovery relevance to teachers of secondary-level learners in how to bring environmental issues into their classes. There is a wealth of articles focusing on global issues and the publication is a great […]