Young Learners and Online Project-Based Learning: Building an Eco-House

It is a pleasure to feature this guest post from Milica Vukadin (Alice) from I’ve always enjoyed reading her articles or hearing her ideas on motivating young learners to get involved in environmental matters, and I love the way they are so practical and always get students out and about! Project-based learning sounds scary and like there is a […]

October 31st: World Cities Day

How could we mark the occasion in our language classes? It seems very relevant as many of us work in cities, teaching students who live in cities and while it is true that the environmental impact of cities is huge, it’s also the case that many solutions to this issue are likely to come from cities. Why not watch this […]

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Digital text production has ushered in the ability to produce text collaboratively, both asynchronously and synchronously. The skills involved in working collaboratively to produce and refine text are becoming increasingly important in today’s modern workplace, so again this reinforces the importance of developing students writing skills within the digital realm. Peachey, Nik. 4 Reasons why teaching students to use technology […]

Goal 15: Life on Land

How can you make your language lessons help learners develop their digital literacy? Is it too much to ask that they also support learners in finding solutions to the global issues that affect them? Find out with this training video and access the lesson materials for your own use. Remix Literacy Remix literacy can be a powerful tool for casting […]

Global Goal 13: Climate Action

How do you combine UN global goal 13 with multimedia literacy development in the ELT classroom? Find out here: Multimedia Literacy and Global Goal 13 Climate Action What do you think? How could you make this global goal relevant to local issues where you live? How important do you think remix literacy is to your learners? What other ways could you […]

Goal 4: Quality Education

How can we raise awareness of Global Goal 4: Quality Education in our classes while supporting the development of ‘information Literacy? Find out here! Information Literacy “The responsibility for after-the-fact checking now falls on users. Our students must learn to ask critical questions about information found online.” Hockly, Dudeney and Pelgrum, Digital Literacies, Pearson, 2013 Education is vital for its […]

Goal 14: Life Below Water

How can a knowledge of coding, or ‘code literacy’ help us solve global problems? What issues do the oceans face and can ‘code literacy play a role? Find out how to consider these questions in your ELT class. Code Literacy How could you make this global goal relevant to local issues where you live? How important do you think remix […]

October 19th World Food Day for a #ZeroHungerWorld

Why not mark this day with this lesson on the topic of food and it’s impact on the world we live in? This lesson for teenagers and adults B1 and above includes: personalised discussion on the food we eat listening practice with a video about food and its impact on the environment discussion on what we learn from the video […]