Eco Prize-winners

Albena Simeonova and Ruth Buendía both won a prestigious prize for their dedicated work against all odds protecting the environment and the people living in it from ruthless exploitation. In this jigsaw reading lesson we honour their achievements, discover how ordinary people achieve great things and focus on environment-themed vocabulary and talk about people we admire. This lesson can be […]

Ordinary People who do Extraordinary Things

Find out how these people have done great things for wildlife and people. Here is a lesson plan based on ordinary people who have done extraordinary things for the world we live in. It’s based on a jigsaw listening, and is suitable for teenagers and adults from B1/intermediate upwards. Download the lesson plan:


Prize-winners This lesson is based around a jig-saw reading and looks at winners of this years Goldman prize, which honours ordinary people who have done extraordinary actions to protect nature, the environment and the human communities that live in them. Download the lesson plan: an-eco-prize

Eco Achievers

It’s great to hear about people who have done great things. All to often high achievers in language course-books are the same business people, sports personalities and pop stars. Here is a lesson about high achievers in another field, conservation. I worked in Morocco and Bulgaria, and tried to localise the topic. Try to find out about someone in your […]