Religions Climate Language Lesson
How do religions view climate change? It’s a fascinating topic that is addressed in the religions climate language lesson. It was inspired by the United Nations observance which is World Interfaith Harmony Week. The lesson in no way pushed learners to any one religion. In contrast, it simply looks at the messages from religions on this matter. You may be surprised how strong and united the views of the different religions are on climate change.
What’s in the Religions Climate Language Lesson?
In this lesson based on a jigsaw reading, learners investigate what three of the world’s religions say about it. How will their view be different from that of the science academies? Prepare to be surprised when you find out. Students will also learn high-level vocabulary on the topic and do a role-play. Therefore, be aware the lesson is suitable for learners with B2 level and above.
Get the Lesson Plan
You can get religions climate language lesson here. It consists of a lesson plan and slides.
Do you feel comfortable bringing the intersection between religion and climate change into the classroom? We’d love to hear your thoughts so please share them in the comments or via the contact page!